
 EUR Lex Items (39)

Following table listed GRC Library processed EU Regulations and Directives. Compliance Checklist, RCSA or other GRC documents are available for download.

Title # GRC Docs
1. Anti-Money Laundering Directive - Directive (EU) 2015/8499
2. Artificial Intelligence Act - Regulation (EU) 2024/16898
3. Benchmarks Regulation - Regulation (EU) 2016/10110
4. Capital Requirements Directive IV - Directive 2013/36/EU19
5. Collective Rights Management Directive - Directive 2014/26/EU5
6. Consumer Rights Directive - Directive 2011/83/EU6
7. Copyright Directive - Directive (EU) 2019/7902
8. Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Act - Directive (EU) 2024/17602
9. Data Act - Regulation (EU) 2023/285414
10. Data Governance Act - Regulation (EU) 2022/8682
11. Digital Content and Services Directive - Directive (EU) 2019/7702
12. Digital Markets Act - Regulation (EU) 2022/19252
13. Digital Operational Resilience Act - Regulation (EU) 2022/255412
14. Digital Services Act - Regulation (EU) 2022/20659
15. eIDAS Regulation - Regulation (EU) No 910/20144
16. E-Money Directive - Directive 2009/110/EC2
17. European Electronic Communications Code - Directive (EU) 2018/19727
18. European Market Infrastructure Regulation - Regulation (EU) No 648/20122
19. Free Flow of Non-Personal Data - Regulation (EU) 2018/18071
20. General Data Protection Regulation - Regulation (EU) 2016/67913
21. ICT Risk Management Framework - Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2024/17748
22. Insurance Distribution Directive - Directive (EU) 2016/972
23. Interchange Fee Regulation - Regulation (EU) 2015/7517
24. Machinery Directive - Directive 2006/42/EC2
25. Machinery Regulation - Regulation (EU) 2023/12302
26. Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation - Regulation (EU) 2023/111414
27. MiFID II - Directive 2014/65/EU2
28. MiFIR - Regulation (EU) 2014/06002
29. NIS 2 Directive - Directive (EU) 2022/25556
30. NIS Directive - Directive (EU) 2016/11484
31. Open Data Directive - Directive (EU) 2019/10242
32. Payment Services Directive - Directive (EU) 2015/236627
33. Representative Actions Directive - Directive (EU) 2020/18282
34. Resilience of Critical Entities Act - Directive (EU) 2022/25572
35. Sale of Goods Directive - Directive (EU) 2019/7712
36. Strong Customer Authentication and Secure Standards - Regulation (EU) 2018/3892
37. Trade Secrets Directive - Directive (EU) 2016/9435
38. Transparency and Targeting of Political Advertising Act - Regulation (EU) 2024/9002
39. Whistleblower Protection Directive - Directive (EU) 2019/19379