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7. Exploration
8. Finance
11. Innovation and Sustainability
14. Production
16. Refining
18. Safety and Environmental Compliance
23. Transportation and Logistics
Industry: Gas
The Gas sector encompasses entities engaged in the supply, distribution, transmission, storage, and refining of natural gas. It includes various operators such as supply undertakings, distribution system operators, transmission system operators, storage system operators, liquefied natural gas system operators, and operators of natural gas refining and treatment facilities. This sector plays a crucial role in the overall energy landscape, providing essential resources for various applications and industries.
Key Activities:
Natural Gas Supply
Involves the procurement and selling of natural gas to consumers and businesses, ensuring a steady and reliable supply.
Distribution Services
Entails the delivery of natural gas from transmission systems to end-users, maintaining infrastructure and ensuring system integrity.
Transmission Operations
Focuses on the high-pressure transport of natural gas over long distances through pipelines to ensure efficient delivery to distribution networks.
Storage Management
Involves the management of facilities designed to store natural gas, allowing for supply balancing and reliability during peak demand.
LNG Processing
Encompasses the process of liquefying natural gas for transport and storage, as well as regasification for distribution and use.
Refining Natural Gas
Involves the treatment and processing of natural gas to remove impurities and separate components for various applications.