1) Help - How to search in GRC Library?
Dive into the GRC Library: Your Guide to Finding the Knowledge You Need
Welcome to the vast and valuable repository of information that is the GRC Library! We're here to guide you through your exploration, ensuring you find the resources you need efficiently and effectively.
Your trusty companion: the search bar
Located at the top of the page, the search bar is your gateway to the library's riches. Simply type in your keyword or phrase, hit enter, and prepare to be amazed by the relevant results that unfurl before you.
Keywords: Sharpening your focus
Think of keywords as your searchlights, illuminating the information you seek. Choose them wisely, focusing on the core concepts or terms related to your inquiry. Remember, the more specific your keywords, the more precise your results will be.
Refine your search like a pro:
While the GRC Library doesn't currently offer advanced search options like boolean operators or filters, you can still refine your search in several ways:
- Specificity is key: If your initial results are overwhelming, try adding more specific keywords to narrow down the scope.
- Synonyms and related terms: Broaden your search by including synonyms or related terms to your initial keyword. This can help capture relevant resources that might not have the exact keyword you used.
- Phrases vs. single words: Sometimes, using a phrase instead of individual words can yield more targeted results.
Remember: Don't be afraid to experiment! Play around with different keywords and see what works best for your specific needs.
Facing too many or too few results?
If your search throws up a mountain of results or barely a wisp, adjust your approach:
- Too many results? Refine your keywords to be more specific. Consider breaking down your query into smaller, more focused searches.
- Too few results? Broaden your keywords by using synonyms or related terms. Alternatively, try a more general search and then filter through the results to find what you need.
2) Enterprise IRM Integration: Import GRC Library Data to Archer
Integration of GRC Library with Archer using Archer Datafeed Function
This guide outlines the process of integrating GRC Library with Archer through the use of Archer Datafeed function. It is intended for Archer administrators with knowledge of datafeed administration.
Applicable Archer Version: 6.x
Go to the Administration Menu.
Navigate to Integration -> Data Feeds.
Create a New Datafeed.
Tab: General:
Name: GRC Library Data Feed (Business Process)
Alias: [Auto generation by Archer]
Description: GRC Library Data Feed (Business Process)
Active: Check this checkbox.
Feed Type: Standard
Service Account Name: grclibrary_df
Target Application: Business Processes
Tab: Source Connection:
- Transport Method: HTTP Transporter
- SourceLocale: English (United States)
- File Type: Single Data File
- Method: Get
- Credentials: Anonymous
- Data Request URI: https://grclibrary.com/demo_xml_business_process.php
- Proxy Option: No Proxy (If your company’s Archer requires a proxy for Internet access, configure it accordingly)
- Local Copy Of Source File: Delete
Tab: Source Parsing:
- [System Default Settings]
Tab: Source Definition:
- Click the Import icon to load URL.
- No Source filter
Tab: Data Map:
- Field Map:
- Source Field: name to Business Process: Process Name
- Source Field: description to Business Process: Description
- Key Field Definition:
- Reference Field: Business Processes
- Order 1, Field Name: Process Name
- Field Map:
Tab: Run Configuration:
- As not all required fields are mapped, ignore data validation for record creation.
- Under “Target Record Processing”, check the checkbox “Ignore data validation rules for the target application”.
Setup completed.
You can now run the datafeed and test loading data to Archer.
Business Process (Sample Screenshot)

- This is a system integration demo. Only five random items are available in each connection.
- For full integration testing and complex data integration cases, please contact the platform administrator for further information.
3) Export data to csv, pdf and excel
Export data function is available in item page.

Example: https://grclibrary.com/item_display.php?id=d7110a3c-a0ba-44e5-8d01-8b3088fbf047
Updated: 2024-03-05 11:424) Enterprise GRC Integration: Import GRC Library Data to ServiceNow
ServiceNow Integration with GRC Library with Demonstration Records
ServiceNow Application: Policy and Compliance Management
This guide provides a demonstration of integrating the GRC Library with ServiceNow to access Authority Documents with Citations and Control Objectives.
The target audience for this setup requires knowledge of ServiceNow Data Source, Transform Map, Import Set, and Data Load administration.
3 Demo data sets are available.
- Demo = 0, MAS - Technology Risk Management Guidelines Jan 2021
- Demo = 1, EU - European Commission Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA)
- Demo = 2, SG Cybersecurity Act 2018
This setup involves configuring 2 data sources:
Part 1: Import Authority Document
Create Data Source
- Name: GRC Library Authority Document
- Import set table label: GRC Library Authority Document
- Import set table name: (auto-completion by system)
- Type: File
- Format: XML
- XPath for each row: /items/item
- File retrieval method: HTTPS
- Server: grclibrary.com
- File path: xml_demo_sn_auth_doc.php?demo=1 (demo can be set to 0 or 1, two demo sets of data are available)
- Username: (No authorization required)
- Password: (No authorization required)
Click "Submit".
Test Load Records
Return to Data Source: GRC Library Authority Document. Click "Test Load 20 Records" to test loading data from GRC Library.
Create Transform Map
Return to Data Source: GRC Library Authority Document.
Under the "Transforms" tab, click "New".
- Name: GRC Library Authority Document Map
- Source table: (auto-completion by system)
- Target table: (select the Authority document table)
- Active: (checked)
- Run business rules: (unchecked)
- Enforce mandatory fields: No
- Copy empty fields: (unchecked)
- Create a new record on empty coalesce fields: (unchecked)
- Order: 100 (default)
- Run script: (unchecked)

Map fields using "Auto Map Matching Fields". Then, compare the mapping with the provided screenshot.

Set "u_source_id" coalesce to true. Ensure all fields are mapped.

Click "Update" to save the configurations.
Load Authority Document Data
Import set table: Existing table, GRC Library Authority Source of the import: Data Source, GRC Library Authority Document

Click "Submit".

After completion, click "Run Transform". Select the transform map. Click "Transform".

Authority Document import completed.

Part 2: Import Citation and Control Objective
Create Data Source
- Name: GRC Library Citation Mapping
- Import set table label: GRC Library Citation Mapping
- Import set table name: (auto-completion by system)
- Type: File
- Format: XML
- XPath for each row: /items/item
- File retrieval method: HTTPS
- Server: grclibrary.com
- File path: xml_demo_display_sn.php?demo=1 (demo can be set to 0 or 1, two demo sets of data are available)
- Username: (No authorization required)
- Password: (No authorization required)

Click "Submit".
Test Load Records
Return to Data Source: GRC Library Citation Mapping. Click "Test Load 20 Records" to test loading data from GRC Library.
Create Transform Map
Return to Data Source: GRC Library Citation Mapping.
Important Notes:
These 3 Transform Maps will be used to:
Map1: GRC Library: 1-Create Citation and Link to Authority Document
Return to Data Source: GRC Library Authority Document.
Under the "Transforms" tab, click "New".
- Name: GRC Library: 1-Create Citation and Link to Authority Document
- Source table: (auto-completion by system)
- Target table: (select the Citation table)
- Active: (checked)
- Run business rules: (unchecked)
- Enforce mandatory fields: No
- Copy empty fields: (unchecked)
- Create a new record on empty coalesce fields: (unchecked)
- Order: 100 (default)
- Run script: (unchecked)

Map fields using "Auto Map Matching Fields".
Set "u_source_id" and "u_source" coalesce to true. Change "u_description" to "u_reason".
Add a new mapping:
- Source field: parent_source_id
- Target field: Authority document
- Reference value field name: source_id
- Coalesce: (checked)

Compare the mapping with the provided screenshot. Ensure all fields are mapped.

Click "Update" to save the configurations.
Map2: GRC Library: 2-Create Control Objective and Link to Citation
Under the "Transforms" tab, click "New".
- Name: GRC Library: 2-Create Control Objective and Link to Citation
- Source table: (auto-completion by system)
- Target table: (select the Control objective table)
- Active: (checked)
- Run business rules: (unchecked)
- Enforce mandatory fields: No
- Copy empty fields: (unchecked)
- Create a new record on empty coalesce fields: (unchecked)
- Order: 101
- Run script: (unchecked)
Map fields using "Auto Map Matching Fields". Ensure all fields are mapped.

Click "Update" to save the configurations.
Map3: GRC Library: 3-Link Citation and Control Objective
Under the "Transforms" tab, click "New".
- Name: GRC Library: 3-Link Citation and Control Objective
- Source table: (auto-completion by system)
- Target table: (select the Control objective to Citation table)
- Active: (checked)
- Run business rules: (unchecked)
- Enforce mandatory fields: No
- Copy empty fields: (unchecked)
- Create a new record on empty coalesce fields: (unchecked)
- Order: 102
- Run script: (unchecked)
Create a new field mapping 1:
- Map: GRC Library: 3-Link Citation and Control Objective (Default)
- Source table: (default)
- Source field: source_id
- Choice action: ignore
- Application: (default)
- Target table: (default)
- Target field: Citation
- Referenced value field name: source_id
- Coalesce: (checked)
Create a new field mapping 2:
- Map: GRC Library: 3-Link Citation and Control Objective (Default)
- Source table: (default)
- Source field: source_id
- Choice action: ignore
- Application: (default)
- Target table: (default)
- Target field: Control Objective
- Referenced value field name: source_id
- Coalesce: (checked)
Ensure all fields are mapped.

Click "Update" to save the configurations.
Load Citation and Control Objective Data
Import set table: Existing table, GRC Library Citation Mapping Source of the import: Data Source, GRC Library Citation Mapping

Click "Submit".

After completion, click "Run Transform". Select all 3 transform map and make sure their running order (ascending order). Click "Transform".

Citation and Control Objective import completed.

Updated: 2024-03-08 15:14